Several Steps To Follow When Making Your Auto Insurance Claim

If you are involved in an accident, it can frighten you to the point that you cannot remain very calm. After you have calmed down and discovered that you are ok and not hurt, you will have a few important steps to take in order to file your insurance claim.

If you leave the scene of an accident you are going against the law, particularly if there are injuries or damages sustained in the accident. Although it is not the norm, sometimes people do flee the scene. You should always notice what the other vehicle’s license plate reads after you are thinking more calmly. If you see that it is safe to do it, secure the area, turn off the ignition and turn on the hazard warnings to alert the oncoming traffic of the situation.

If there are injuries or the collision is in a dangerous situation, call 911 or whatever the emergency response number is for the location. Also, if anyone involved in the accident decides to flee without exchanging information, call the designated emergency response number. If it is at all possible, do not admit to being at fault for the accident; stay calm, even when it is obvious who is at fault for the accident.

First, exchange driver information; names, addresses, phone numbers including cellular, and vehicle registration and insurance details. Next, make some notes about the accident; draw a map of the accident location and name the surrounding streets, the position of the vehicles, show the direction each was traveling, skid marks, points of contact and any damages that may have been incurred. As you give the details of the accident, be sure you give the make, model and color of each vehicle involved in the collision.

It would also be quite beneficial if you were to have a camera or cell phone that takes pictures.

It is important to gather information from as many witnesses as possible and also get their phone numbers and vehicle registration. Write down the condition of others involved in the accident, whether or not they are impaired or if they might have been distracted when driving. Was anyone eating or talking on their cell phone while driving their vehicle or were road or weather conditions a contributing factor of the accident.

If you have reported the accident to the police, and have their permission to leave the scene, call the insurance company you do business with and tell about the accident and your involvement in it and the damages you face because of it. If you are not able to drive your car because of damages to it, your insurance may be able to set you up with a rental.

At this point the insurance company will make an appointment to examine the damaged vehicle and photograph it for their records. When the insurance company has assessed the damages to the vehicle, they then will tell you whether or not if your auto can be repaired. When the auto’s condition is repairable, then you will have to decide where the repairs can be taken care of.

As soon as the damaged vehicle has been taken to a repair shop, you will have to pay the person doing the repairs the deductible amount according to your policy and the auto insurance company will pay the rest of the bill. When the repairs have been made and the vehicle is in your possession before the deductible has been paid, it is possible for your vehicle to be legally impounded and this could cost more than the deductible.

Visit Peppercoin Insurance to read more great auto insurance articles including ‘Filing In The Gap Of Gap Insurance‘ and more.

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