Avoiding transmission problems with used cars

As the down economy affects more people it also affects their buying habits. One of those big areas that it has affected is buying cars.When times were good a lot of people would just go out and get a new car.Now if they are in need of another vehicle they have to buy it used.That isn’t so horrible since if you do it right you can get a lot of value with a used car.But if you don’t do it right it could end up costing you a lot of money.

One areas that is easily done wrong is the transmission.  Although transmissions are now more reliable they still are expensive.  In other words it is easy to break and expensive to fix.  That is a bad combination and I have seen many of my clients suffer from this in my Vista auto repair company.  They go out and buy a used car and they end up spending thousands more.

One thing you can check is a car’s history.You are going to want to inquire for any service records.  That way you can see if it was a rental.Or it will let you see if this vehicle had been in any accidents.  So what you want to see is if they have had transmission issues.  That is one thing I have all my clients of my Vista auto repair shop to do is check the vehicle’s records.

Something else you can check is going over the transmission fluid levels.What you are going to have to do is have the car idle for a little while.  Then you just check the transmission dipstick.If the fluid is low this is a good sign that it might be leaking.  If the transmission fluid is dirty or black avoid buying that car.It is an indicator of problems with the transmission.  The last thing you want to do is buy a used car then end up having to bring it into my Vista auto repair shop to fix the transmission.  Do these things and you can save yourself a lot of money.

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