Car Insurance For Students – Avoid These Three Mistakes

Student car insurance in the UK can be expensive. Finding cover over the internet, however, is an effective method in reducing how much you pay for insurance and finding the cover that you need.

It’s a bitter irony that students never have any money, yet are charged more than most other drivers for car insurance. A driver’s time as a student is likely to be full of financial worry. Many people leave their cars at home when they go to university and some even declare them off the road so they don’t have to pay insurance or road tax but for those who are left having to pay high monthly premiums, it can be difficult to juggle the insurance with other costs and outgoings. If you are paying for student car insurance in the UK, there are a few ways you can try and save some money.

Firstly, some companies offer special deals for students. Every company varies in how much they charge for premiums and their terms and conditions but a quick phone call will tell you whether you could cut down your premiums by using one of these companies. Companies are now recognising that more and more students are taking their vehicles with them when they go to study and are producing tailor-made packages designed with students in mind.

The type of vehicle you own will also affect your premiums. Insurance companies group cars into different tiers depending on the engine size and how high spec they are. Drivers with bigger engines and cars that are going to be more expensive to repair end up paying higher premiums. If you want to cut down on your costs, switching vehicle model could help you do that in an instant. If you’re at university, the chances are that you didn’t pass your test that long ago. Whether it was three months or three years, taking a Pass Plus test is a good way of convincing insurance companies to lower your premiums. This is extra tuition that new drivers take after they have passed their initial test. Pass Plus shows new drivers advanced techniques like how to use motorways properly.

All of the above could help you save money but a sure-fire way of reducing the amount you pay for cover is to look for a provider online. There are loads of insurers competing with each other and cheap deals are becoming easier to find.

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