Have Your Car Revalued For A Lower Insurance Premium

Most auto insurance holders fall into the comfort zone of paying a certain premium every month and then sticking with that year after year. Sure, there are the regular increases every year as per interest rates, but that is standard. What most people do not take into consideration is that their permium is worked out according to the value of the car. The value of your car depreciates each year, so it is only logical that your premium should decrease accordingly?

Yes! But luckily for the auto insurance companies, most people are not aware of this! If the book value of your car is a lot less than when you bought it, you could now pay a lot less on your auto insurance premium. It is really up to you to contact your vehicle insurance company each year and revalue your car insurance premium. The insurance companies will not this themselves as this could cost them money! They would no doubt be happy about the premium that you have been paying, and it would be silly for them to go out of their way to get you to pay a lower one.

Although your vehicle insurance company will give you the new value of your car each year, they will not reassess your premium unless you ask them to! This leaves it up to you to ring them up each year and ask them to put a new price on your insurance premium. When you do this, try and see what else you could be doing to award yourself a lower premium at the same time. Firstly, you can up the security on your car. Ensuring that your car is protected through a car alarm and tracking device can lower your premium.

This is especially so if your vehicle did not have a sufficient security system in place when you initially sought your insurance, you may be pleasantly awarded with a lower premium. You could also be in luck if you have been driving claim free for the whole year. When they review your insurance policy, they will take the security and your claim history into account. If you can give them good records for this, you will be more likely to score a lower premium.

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