Finding Cheap Ladies’ Car Insurance in the UK

There are many specialist firms out there offering cheap ladies’ car insurance in the UK. Do they offer better value compared to normal providers though?

There are many stereotypes associated with female drivers. However, on average, ladies’ car insurance in the UK is actually far more likely to be cheaper than men’s. Statistically, men are far likelier to have car accidents than women so end up paying higher premiums. It might seem unjust but the flip side is that females generally have to spend less!

Over the past few years, insurance companies that specialise in women-only insurance policies have been rising in popularity. This has caused critics to ask if these insurance companies are actually cheaper or whether they are a novelty luring women in to make money out of the concept of female vehicle cover.

When you’re trying to source women’s vehicle cover in England, some points may be worth considering in advance of changing vehicle cover providers. For a start, perhaps you are married in which case an insurance company might offer you cheaper cover if you agree to cover both spouses’ cars with the same provider.

If you feel like you’re paying too much for ladies’ car insurance in the UK, check how your insurance company grades your car. Depending on how high spec your car is, the company will charge you different amounts to insure it so the more basic it is, the less it will cost you. Where you keep your vehicle also makes a difference to the price of your premiums. Your car will be much safer in a garage than on the street and using a driveway is a happy medium between the two.

You can also check how your current insurance company rates different jobs. Some are considered more high risk than others as they require you to spend more time in the car. If you are in a ‘high risk’ category it might be worth shopping around to find a company that isn’t necessarily going to target you because of your career.

These are all things that could make a difference to how much you pay but you could make the biggest savings just by shopping around and looking at all your options.”>ladies’ car insurance in the UK, go to and let them help you access hundreds of quotes within minutes.~When looking for women’s vehicle cover, go to and you can view countless policies within seconds.}

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