All The Basics On Pay As You Drive Car Insurance

There is a vehicle insurance option available that offers you a premium based on how far you drive each month. This may seem confusing, but it is actually quite clear cut. Fact – if you drive less, you will pay less. Naturally the rate that they charge you will be determined on your regular factors such as your age, driving history and make and model of vehicle.

Once these factors have been taken into consideration, they will then determine your standard premium. This is a small fixed premium that you will pay every month no matter what, to protect your car in the event of theft. The rest of your premium is deductable according to how far you travel each month. The car insurance company will then install a tracker in your vehicle so that they will be able to monitor how far you travel each month. This tracking device also comes in handy for tracing your vehicle should it be stolen, which in turn lowers your premium for the car being a lower theft risk. The motor insurance company will have peace of mind in knowing that they would probably not have to pay out for a stolen vehicle as the tracker would be able to find it.

You can monitor how many kilometers you are traveling each month using their online system which is password protected. This way companies who take out pay as you drive insurance for their employees can also track where their employees are traveling and what is really going on during work hours.

The monthly pay as you drive premium is based on a cent per kilometer rate that is calculated according to your original fixed factors such as your age, driving history, address and type of car. Some cars are more infamous for being stolen than others, or have a higher incidence of being involved in a collision. These vehicles will come with a higher premium. The other factors are beyond your control, but it is all you can do to drive as carefully as possible to avoid collisions. Always adhere strictly to the road rules and never drive whilst tired or under the influence of alcohol. The less claims you make the lower your premium will stay.

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