Insuring Your Older Vehicle

In an ideal world, everyone would drive a neat, spanking new vehicle around. Unfortunately, realistically, not many people can afford to drive the newest model of their favorite car. Keep in mind that most people cannot afford to replace their car, even after substantial years of use.

The problem with a lot of car insurance companies is that they sometimes do not insure cars that are older than ten years old! This can be extremely inconvenient for people who drive older models of cars due to affordability and even desirability issues! The reason why most car insurance companies are hesitant to insure older vehicles is that they pose a higher risk of breaking down and needing repairing. If you are able to obtain insurance for such an aged vehicle, you will usually find that the premiums are really high.

Although it may sound all doom and gloom, there is SOMETHING you can do, and that is research. Shop around and compile as many quotes as you can from car insurance companies who are willing to insure your old vehicle. You can take the necessary safety precautions to try your best to lower the premium. These include installing an anti-hijack and theft system on your car, keeping it in a locked garage at night and fitting in a tracking device. Be sure to take your car in for its regular services without fail. An older vehicle that is up to date on all its services will also get a lighter premium sentence. A car that is serviced regularly may get a bit more leeway on the premium charges. This is the insurance company’s way of knowing that the car is in good running order.

If you’re lucky, and conduct your research thoroughly, you may find that you stumble upon a car insurance company that specializes in insuring older vehicles. Some regular car insurance companies have special packages for older vehicles. You might also save money by insuring your older car with the same company who covers your home and life insurance.

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