Auto insurance discounts for young drivers, save more

Obtaining low auto insurance which lead to low auto insurance rate for low auto insurance is very easy if you know the right discounts you can obtain. You can make huge savings and earn discounts by following the steps.

Discount for defensive driving lessons. Defensive driving lessons is a key to getting auto insurance discounts for young drivers. The insurance companies offer the discount for 3 years. For example, if your auto insurance premium is $150 per month, the premium is $5,400 for 3 years. Comprehensive car insurance coverage would not get the benefit of the 10% discount. You can save up to $450- $550.- in 3 years!

– Good student discounts : It has been statistically proved that young drivers who are good students are more reliable and mature and this enables them to market better driving decisions. The higher grade of an “A’ or “B” in high school or college is considered a sign of responsibility and so the young drivers are given an auto insurance discount. If the young driver has to pay his or her own automobile insurance, this will be another motivator for him or her to make good grades

– Auto Safety Features: Most insurers consider that owners with cars containing safety features may have fewer accidents and reduced injuries. The safety features of the car like an air-bag and or anti-brake ensure that the fatality of an accident is prevented. A car having this feature would get you a higher auto insurance discount.

– Claims Free discount :Insurance companies normally give the client a discount and a low auto insurance rate, once they do not have any auto accidents or claims on their records for 3 years.

– Online Insurance discounts : The customers get a higher discount for buying auto insurance online. The logic for this is that the insurance companies save on their operating cost and so this discount is passed on to the customer.

A little awareness of auto insurance discounts can make you richer, not once but again and again. Check out for more tips for auto discounts, obtaining low auto insurance quote for the young driver.


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