The Benefits of Short Term Car Insurance

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the cost of car insurance. This, coupled with the fact that many people are experiencing financial hardship, has led to a rise in the demand for more options when insuring our cars. Temporary cover is now more readily available from most insurance companies and can be very beneficial for some car owners.

The Basics of Short Term Car Insurance

Short term cover is a recent addition to the mainstream world of insurance. In the not too distant past, short term cover was only used by those borrowing a friend’s or relative’s car for a brief period. However, more and more drivers are considering short term car insurance as a way to cover their own vehicle.

Typically, temporary, or short term, car insurance allows a policy holder to insure his, or her, car for as little as one day and often up to twenty-eight days.

Obviously, customers should be aware that the cost per day of short term cover is more expensive than the cost per day of an annual policy. Although, for customers who only require a limited period of cover, a short term policy could save hundreds.

Benefits of Temporary Cover

If you are considering short term car insurance, but you’re not sure if it’s right for you, here are some of the reasons it could be advantageous.

Many people choose temporary cover, because they rarely drive their car. In this instance, short term car insurance ensures that you only pay for the periods that your car is in use.

Another great advantage for temporary customers is that the policy can be renewed at any point, making life much simpler for those who choose to insure their car with this method.

In addition, many companies provide customers with the opportunity to purchase short term car insurance over the phone or via the internet. This means that cover can be provided in a few minutes and you are insured to drive your car the very same day.

Things to Consider

When buying any insurance policy there are certain factor that will affect the cost of your premium and short term cover is no exception to the rule. Short term car insurance, like any policy, carries some provisos and young drivers, especially, may find it difficult to find an affordable policy. Additionally, any driving convictions or previous insurance claims may affect your eligibility for short term car insurance.

Therefore, to ensure that you are getting the best possible price, it is advisable to shop around. Remember, as short term insurance is becoming mainstream, more and more companies are providing the service, so a great deal can be found out there.

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