Why is car insurance typically cheaper for women

According to the Documentation Center of Insurance, the accidents caused by men are more expensive than those caused by women. In addition, women are 2.7 times less likely to be the cause of accidents than men. This difference is explained by the fact that women tend to lead more small cars than men, mostly in town and occasionally under the influence of alcohol.

Auto insurance is cheaper and suitable for the needs of women

Indeed, while discrimination based on sex in order to access goods and services is prohibited, the European Commission allows insurers to offer discounts to women on their car insurance premiums! Along with this women drivers are often able to access benefits specificly tailored with their needs in mind. For instance handbag insurance or breakdown assistance.

 As you can see, if you are a women, you might be able to take benefit of a cheap womens car insurance Northern Ireland. While this may sound unfair to many male drivers, in truth it has been shown that women indeed are the better drivers. According to the quotations of the insurance companies, that provide cheap insurance Northern Ireland to women, they are better drivers than men are.

The car insurance companies have made numerous researches in the past years and they have developed the idea that, overall, women are not involved in so many accidents as men at the time they are driving. At the same time, there are less women drivers that are involved in motor vehicle events One more aspect is that the women drivers do not commit so many vehicle related crimes as the men drivers do. On top of all these, women are more likely to be presented with their driving license on the first try than men are.

All these statistics show that the women are better drivers and that they deserve cheap womens car insurance Northern Ireland. They do not get the discounts because they are women, but because of these above mentioned statistics.

As women are seen to be the safer of the sexes on the road it is only fair they are rewarded. Of course, being a woman and having cheap insurance Northern Ireland will not help you renew your premium at the same premiums in case you are the main cause of an accident. In the event of you being the cause of a serious accident then you may expect your womens insurance Northern Ireland premiums to rise in line with this. So be careful when out and about in your vehicle and you will get benefits when it comes to the renewal of your premium insurance

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