Business Van Insurance for the Ice Age

Many who have tried to make deliveries or carry out their business normally over the last few months will have faced major problems.Snowfall and roads like glass have turned negotiating many of the side streets in lots of areas of the US into an elaborate four-wheel version of pinball.Although road conditions have been abysmal, deliveries are still required and many winter-related accidents like burst pipes must be attended to.

It’s these conditions that anyone whose van is essential to his livelihood must face and with that territory goes the increased risk of a shunt or, worse still, injury to pedestrians who seem to be using the roads rather than the treacherous pavements. Not only must the vehicle be insured to be legal on the road, liability insurance quotes are required to protect against threats to the cargo, the vehicle, other motorists and passers-by.Delivery vans are much bigger than a car and often have to operate in tight, congested streets.With roads like skating rinks, the risk of an accident is dramatically increased.Physical damage and collision coverage is therefore important and so too is protection against serious injury or even death.

Most business vans insurance providers will offer comprehensive insurance cover for up to five vans and up to fifteen different drivers under a single policy and the best policies also extend that cover to European countries.The better providers do not penalise start ups by loading premiums or policy excess up front and some of the best not only offer business van insurance, but will also bundle a wide range of business insurance policies.Some even deal with healthcare or income protection schemes – handy if you get out of the van and wind up doing a brief (if unintended) “triple Lutz” that would impress Torville and Dean before breaking more than just your dignity!

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