Simple Tricks To Lower Your Car Insurance Rate

If you drive less than 10,000 miles annually, you may be eligible to acquire a low-mileage discount on your car insurance. Some insurance carriers may even give you discount if you commute to work.

2. Avoid driving for business purposes

Many insurance companies will add a surcharge or increase your rate because of this. Make sure that you let your insurance agent aware that you will be driving the vehicle for business reasons so you will be rightly covered.

3. Increase your deductible

You can reduce your annual car insurance rate by as much as 15% if you increase your deductible up to $500. But dont forget to select the highest deductible that you can afford

4. Keep excellent credit rating

Your credit history is one of the factors that insurance carriers look at when providing you quote for your car insurance. Making a payment on time and maintaining a good credit record will aid keep your car and home insurance rates more affordable.

5. Safe driving

You may be eligible for a cheap car insurance rate if you have no accidents or tickets for at least 3-5 years. Depending on your state, a one ticket can increase your rate up to 10%.

6. Buy a low-profile vehicle

The type of automobiles you drive affects your rate. Sports and high performance automobiles are classified as high risk for insurers because of the high cost of restoration and these automobiles are the most usual target of thieves. .

7. Your location

If you live in a rural area with less traffic congestion and less crime rate, your insurance rate will typically be cheaper than if you live in urban area where your automobile is more likely to be stolen, vandalized, or involved in an accident.

8. Keep your vehicle in a secure place

If you park your car in a garage of safe location, they are less likely to be stolen. You can acquire cost reduction if your automobile is safely garaged.  This is a simple way to get low cost car insurance rates.

9. Install safety features or anti-theft devices

Insurers provide a lot of discounts for anti-lock brakes, automatic seat belts, and airbags. If you have anti theft devices on your car you may be offered discounts.

10. Ask for discounts

You can find many discounts from insurance companies. All you need to do is ask. Some insurance providers offer discount if you get more than one type of insurance from the same insurer. Some insurance companies give discount if if you get insurance to more than one car from the same company. You may also be entitled for discounts if you are a member of AAA or certain group or you can acquire discounts for taking defensive driving class. If you have been with the insurer for many years now, they can also offer you a discount. You can sometimes get a good rate on monthly car insurance as well.

11. Shop around

If you are not satisfied with your present insurance provider, the best thing to do is to shop around. Even if you may think that you have the lowest policy, it is still suggested to shop for automobile insurance quotes since theres several insurance companies out there that will offer the cheapest rates just to have your business. Before renewing your policy, be sure you shop first before renewing it to make sure you are with the best insurance company.

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