Car Insurance For Teenagers

Most people balk at this title, as insuring a teenager usually means a lot of money every month! This is because younger drivers, especially teenagers, are usually deemed to be high risk drivers. A young driver will usually not have a driving record for the insurance quotes company to review.

There are ways around this seemingly stressful insurance quotes situation. Most insurance companies will offer a discount if they are insuring an entire family. Some families will list their teenager as a driver on their insurance, although this is not a wise idea as is could consitute as fraud. It is named as fraud if the main adult says that the car belongs to them but the teenager is only a driver sometimes, whereas the teenager drives the vehicle everyday.

There are some insurance companies that offer special back to school deals specifically for teenagers. Most insurance companies are very competitive, so compiling a list of insurance quotes will be a wise idea for comparisons. Another thing to keep in mind is that motor insurance companies are constantly reviewing their premiums, and the rates can fluctuate monthly. Many insurance broker firms would not want you to know this, although it is something commonly done in the trade.

It is imperative that you try and get as many price cuts for a teenager as possible, to avoid exorbitant premiums. Most insurance companies will offer a lower premium to a teen if an adult can sign as a surety on their policy. Car insurance rates are normally also cheaper if the car is deemed as being a safer vehicle. If you give a teenager a sports car you are very likely to run into astronomical premiums.

Installing an anti theft alarm and tracking device on the motor vehicle will give the insurance companies peace of mind about the vehicle’s safety and therefore lower the premiums. Keeping the car in a locked garage at night and even buying a car with a lower theft risk reputation will also go a long way in securing a lower premium for the teenager.

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