Have you ever obtained a quote on one of the car insurance comparison sites? How did you find it? Now I am not sure as to how the readers of this article have answered this question, I however have just saved myself a small fortune after using such a site and in this article I will be expaining just how I did it; I hope you enjoy the read.
I had not previously used a comparison website as I thought it may be some kind of scam. I am not sure why I had this opinion perhaps it was because I thought that the car insurance companies were in some way sponsoring the sites; I still believe that some of them are.
Anyway I am now going to go back to writing about the way in which I managed to save money. I received the renewal papers in the post and the price was very similar as to what I paid in the previous year. I had not made a car insurance claim in that period however I was quite happy with the price that they had quoted. I also rather liked the company that I was insured with as they do offer an excellent customer service.
Even though I was happy with the quote I still decided to put my relevant details into one of the comparison sites.
Instead of just taking up one of these quotes I decided to contact my current insurer and stated the following:
“I have been insured with your company for the last three years and would like to stay with you. I have however managed to obtain a cheaper quote on the internet at one of the comparison websites. Are you able to match their price?”
To my surprise the company agreed and I felt like I had won a major victory. I now decided to treat myself to a pizza!
People have told me that there are no simple ways to make money but this definitely was one.
There are numerous other comparison type sites for example ones where they compare loans, and others where that compare home insurance.
There are even sites that offer such things as comparison prices for DVD replication companies; who knows they may even compare “learn to play the guitar” sites in the future!
I am not sure about you but I will definitely be using a comparison site again in the future.
If however the above does not work for you then you could appoint a cost cutting expert to devise a business cost reduction strategy.
Whichever option you take I hope you are successful at saving some cash, let’s face it in this financial climate we could all do with some extra money.