A Few Tips To Help Save On Automobile Insurance Premiums

Are you looking for an easy way to decrease your monthly car insurance premium? Age, previous driving record and things like credit history are huge factors that can lead to an increase in your car insurance premium. A good trick is to lower your annual pay-off amount. Here are 5 tips to help you save on car insurance :

Tip 1: Increase your deductible
Stop just going for the lowest possible deductible, rather pay a higher out of pocket payment plan. Deductable can be defined as the amount that has to be paid before the car insurance becomes active. This method can really save you a lot of money but be warned, you are not covered until the deductable is fully paid.

Tip 2: Park your vehicle in a save housing area like a garage
This is one of the easiest ways to decrease your car insurance premium. Just park your vehicle in a secure facility or garage. You can save up to 20% by just doing this. Because your vehicle is parked in a secure environment, the chances of it being stolen are greatly reduced.
Tip 3: Shop around for that great bargain
This is a great way to get a good deal when getting car insurance. You can check for car insurance ads, go through the phonebook or go online to find car insurance. Getting car insurance quotes on the internet are a good way to find a bargain. You can go to the company website or you can find a web site that allows you to compare different companies with one form. So go on and get yourself some online car insurance quotes today.
Tip 4: Take a Defensive Driving Course
This is something that very few people are aware of. By taking a defensive driving course can save you 10% on your car insurance premium. Just double check with your current car insurance provider to make sure that they take a defensive driving course into account.

Tip 5: Downsizing your Coverage
This is a very simple way to save on your car insurance premium. This is a risky choice though, because cutting your car insurance by too much can cause that you are not fully covered in the case of an accident. Just don’t cut your coverage by too much to insure you have adequate cover.
If you follow the tips above, you are sure to be able to get cheap car insurance.

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