Car Insurance in Northern Ireland – Things You Need to Know

Car insurance in Northern Ireland is an absolute necessity and must be valid before one can sit behind the steering wheel. Third party personal injury cover is at least required in any car insurance policy. This is because in the event of an accident, the insurance cover takes care of all accident-related medical expenses for the driver, his fellow travelers, and any by-standers who may have got hurt. A better coverage is available if the vehicle is also included in the policy providing car insurance.

The certificate of insurance is a legally-binding manuscript. In the unforeseen event of an accident, the insurance company will stand by to provide for the financial coverage to all the affected parties. It is mandatory for all policies pertaining to car insurance in Northern Ireland to have third-party cover. It must be kept in mind that a third party insurance cover does not in any way provide any financial relief to you in the event of a car accident over here. If a company provides car insurance in Northern Ireland, usually, it also provides some additional protection. They provide for theft and fire insurance along with the main insurance policy. This additional coverage relieves you of your financial worries in the event of a fire or your car being stolen.

The policy that provides all-inclusive protection against an accident, covering you, your car, your fellow travelers and any by-standers would obviously be considered the best. Car repairs are reimbursed, medical bills in the unfortunate event of a personal injury to the driver and the other occupants are well covered. In fact some of the insurance companies go a lot further with added benefits to make a comprehensive insurance policy more attractive.

Apart from the usual no claim bonus that reduces premium amounts for succeeding years, some comprehensive policies providing for car insurance in Northern Ireland also include added benefits. Some of these benefits include providing a substitute car for your traveling convenience, while your damaged car is being repaired, car-towing services from the accident-site to the workshop, assistance in completing documentation formalities related to legal costs, and vehicle repair services in the event of a car breakdown. You can refer to the information available on the internet to obtain all the details about a car insurance policy and also get instant online quotes from providers.

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