Why Do They Vary So Much From Driver To Driver? – Auto Insurance Quotes

You’ve probably noticed that some drivers pay more than other drivers even if they drive the same model and year car. Most likely, you’ve noticed that the young pay higher premiums than the older, men then women.

Accept that insurance companies are in the business of making a profit Insurance companies are selling products in order to make profits. They make more profits if they pay out less in claims. To pay out less in claims they have full-time employees checking and double-checking claims and contracts in order to find reasons why they don’t have to pay you that would stand in a court of law.

Note, I did not say anything about ways to not pay you that are nice. Nice, kind, friendly and their kin don’t come into play. This is all math and emotion (desire for profit, greed).

Understand, too, that there are people who make fraudulent claims. That there are people who did not read the contract and make claims. If you were an insurance company, you’d also have people looking comparing claims and contracts, looking out for legal reasons not to pay. Like insurance companies, you’d be giving out bonuses to those employees who find the most legal ways for you to not pay a claim.

Our main goal is to make Auto Insurance on your wonderful list, and make it an Inexpensive Auto Insurance. There is a huge difference between those two things. The first thing you have in your mind and set your mind to it, how do I get inexpensive auto insurance?

However, those people are not the ones you’re going to be dealing with if you make a claim. When you make a claim, you’re going to be dealing with the people who look for ways to legally not pay a claim. In other words, understand that insurance company marketing is promises (within the realm of the legal) but not legally binding promises. In other words, they cannot lie when they market, what they say must be true under certain circumstances or for some of the people. But not you and your circumstances, necessarily. Pay attention to the fine print.

Some things you don’t control (you can’t just become a middle-aged woman just to get a lower premium and you can’t stop people all the vandalism and auto theft). However, a lot of the things they use to figure out how much premium to charge you are under your control. You do control: * the car you’re going to buy * whether you have anti-theft devices installed * whether you drive drunk or not * whether you make small claims or not * and, to a certain degree at least, the neighborhood you live in * and the deductible you are going to pay.

There are so many insurance companies out there who can provide you with not only just an inexpensive auto insurance but tailor fit for your needs, too. Inexpensive auto insurance is not a dream anymore it is a reality that more people are enjoying.

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