Why Car Insurance Is Wonderful

You love driving, right? Naturally, everybody does. Of course maybe when you have to drive to work. But any other time, when you can just hop into your car and go wherever you want, driving can be incredibly liberating. You feel free and unconstrained. Anything is possible.

As I’m sure you know, everything is happy songs and smiles. Cars can also be very dangerous. When we drive around, we have to be careful of the people around us. In order to guide us in that direction, we’ve created a society of driving and safety laws to make sure we don’t kill each other. That way we can all enjoy the joys of driving.

The unfortunate truth is that we are humans, and not robots. We make mistakes. We accidentally crash into the car in front of us while we are shaving or putting on our makeup. Or maybe even we are changing the radio or talking on our cell phone.

Luckily, there is thing called car insurance. If you happen to be unlucky enough to get into a wreck, then your car insurance policy will pay for most of the damage. Even if it’s your fault, and you did something you shouldn’t have, like race some guy you don’t know, car insurance will still cover the damage.

How does car insurance work? It’s pretty simple. Everybody puts in a few dollars a month into a big fund. Then whoever gets into a wreck can draw money from the fun. Of course, if everybody got into a wreck every day, then the system would break down into total anarchy. Luckily, this doesn’t happen.

Naturally, people try to drive without crashing into each other. Therefore, only a small fraction of people will get into an accident during any given month. As you can see, this is a flawless system designed to take care of people when they get into trouble. It’s a great invention from a financial perspective.

As you can see, insurance is a necessary part of modern society. If you don’t have any, you’d better get some before you get into trouble.

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